Would you like to have a movie-like #wedding in #Kumamoto?
We will #live stream your happy moments to the world! The venue will cover the cost, and the filmed video will be given as a #gift! We are currently looking for #couples who haven't had their wedding yet!

~ A Wedding Like a Movie ~
Starting in 2023, after three years, we are resuming our bridal services in full swing✨. As part of the relaunch, we want to film many real wedding videos for publication on social media. We are looking for couples who have not yet had their wedding to participate in this filming. Those who are already married or have children are also welcome💕. The ceremony costs will be fully covered by our venue, so there will be no expenses for the couple. Of course, we will gift you the filmed movie and photographs🎁. Please apply by sending a message on LINE @starlightcafe . We are looking forward to your application.

The civil ceremony of a Starlight Wedding begins with this prayer.
There are 8 billion people in the world. Right now, in Kumamoto, Japan, and across the globe, there are many who believe in the hope of tomorrow and pledge to rebuild. Yet, the flames of war still burn in parts of the world. People were born not to fight, but to love and cherish each other. Out of 8 billion, just two have miraculously found each other today. We are grateful to witness, gather, and share in the joy of this miraculous moment. We pray and give thanks, hoping that people all over the world can be like these two today, and like us, who have the privilege of witnessing their happiness, may be filled with love and peace.
The civil ceremony of Starlight Wedding begins with 'Amazing Grace'.
Amazing Grace, How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now am found
Was blind but now I see
T’was Grace that taught my heart to fear
And Grace, my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed
Through many dangers, toils and snares
We have already come.
T’was grace that brought us safe thus far
And grace will lead us home,
And grace will lead us home
Amazing grace, Howe Sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now am found
T’was blind but now I see
Was blind, but now I see.
"Amazing Grace" is a renowned hymn and gospel song, penned by John Newton, a British pastor. John Newton (1725-1807) was born into a British merchant family. His mother, a devout Christian, nurtured young John with Bible stories. As he grew up, John followed in his father's footsteps, a commander of a merchant ship, and became a sailor.
The lyrics of "Amazing Grace" reflect the pious state of mind of John Newton, who experienced a miraculous awakening to God's grace while on a ship returning to England. This profound experience is vividly captured in the words of the hymn.
There are 8 billion people in the world.
At this very moment,In Kumamoto, Japan, and across the world,Many believe in the hope of tomorrowAnd pledge to rebuild.
Yet, the flames of warStill do not cease in the world.
People were not born to fight,But to love and cherish each other.
Out of 8 billion, only twoHave met in the miracle of today.We are grateful to witness, gather, and shareIn the joy of this miraculous moment.
May everyone in the world be like these two today,And like us, who are able to witness their happiness.
Filled with love and peace,We pray and give thanks.We now commence the civil wedding ceremony.
A new couple has been born here today.
Two people, always mindful of marriage,Felt both honesty and anxietyUpon finding someone so important.
And now, in these turbulent times,
Will I be able to protect the one I love?Such anxiety is common to all.
But those who have experienced life's various trials know:
People cannot live alone.There is always a light of hope, even in times of suffering.
Only human bonds can save people.The preciousness of family and friendship built upon these bonds.
To protect their children, parents work tirelessly,Becoming a family, as your parents did for both of you.
From today, a strong bond becomes twice as strong.
Just now, you two have exchanged vows of marriageAnd received the approval of everyone here.
Though it is presumptuous of me, I hereby declareThat your marriage is now duly established.
These words of prayer began at the wedding of a couple affected by the 1995 Great Hanshin Earthquake and have been updated over time according to the era and circumstances. New phrases have been added this time as well.
A new couple has been born here today.

A starry sky filling the heavens, cascading images and music, and earthly wines and cuisine.

"Starlight Café"
In the 17th century, near the University of Oxford in England, the first 'coffee house' was established. The next coffee house was set up near the London Stock Exchange. It became extremely popular as people could catch up on information not available at the exchange, leading to the widespread proliferation of cafes, inspired by this success.
In modern Europe, cafes flourished as a social hub for gentlemen, where political discussions and business exchanges frequently took place.
With the latest magazines and newspapers available, amidst the aroma of coffee and swirls of smoke, these places freely facilitated business discussions, political debates, and criticism of power. The 'coffee houses' that thrived in London from the mid-17th to the 18th century were such places.
Continuing this spirit, updated with the latest technology, and under a star-filled sky, amidst the light of the stars (Starlight), people gather, meet, and interact, hoping that from these exchanges, the breath of a new era is born. Hence, the name was given.

Design Concept
A wedding house that is the culmination of design and planning by the 22-year-old owner himself.
Not an imitation of a certain era or country's architectural style, but an original design that is fitting for the new century, inheriting and developing the wisdom of humanity, and open to the future.
In the sky, stars made of fiber optic planetarium twinkle, and shooting stars carrying the couple's wishes sparkle, amplifying emotions through video, audio, and light. This theatrical space, reminiscent of an opera house, brings comfort and unity, excitement and emotion, and fun to people of all generations.
In Kumamoto, no, in all of Kyushu, there is no other space that offers such fun and emotion!
- Video, audio, lighting, and performance equipment that far surpasses the level of hotels and wedding venues.
- A cinema-level 200-inch (4m x 3m) giant screen.
- High-output speakers surpassing those of concert halls.
- Special lighting equipment that creates a fantastical space.
And the secret lies in the expertise and software that skillfully utilize these technologies.